Case Study
Revolutionizing the Food Industry: HEINZ REMIX™
This case study explores the development and impact of The Kraft Heinz Company’s connected product, HEINZ REMIX™, showcasing its ability to provide actionable market research insights while delivering an unparalleled customer experience while working with Mesh.
A Mission to Redefine the Industry
Kraft Heinz, a global leader in the food and beverage industry, recognized the growing demand for innovative products and aimed to create something that not only met customer expectations but also revolutionized the industry.
In collaboration with our partners, Mesh Systems and Kraft Heinz developed the HEINZ REMIX™—a groundbreaking connected product that offers over 200 flavor combinations, enhancing the culinary experience for both restaurant owners and their customers.

“We’ve been on this journey to make innovation the number one growth driver across our business. To do that, we knew we needed to operate differently than we had in the past, to think bigger, to be more consumer-centric.”
-Alan Kleinerman, VP & Head of Disruption at Kraft Heinz
Months from Concept to Prototype
Sauce Combinations
Hours Saved in Development
Results Delivered
Kraft Heinz achieved its goals to immerse itself into the equipment space with an innovative, connected product resulting in:
Working Prototype with a Global Debut
The HEINZ REMIX™ prototype was created in 6 months, from ideation to production, with its debut on The TODAY Show on NBC.
Supporting New Growth Segment
In the first quarter of 2023, Kraft Heinz’s North American food service division had sales growth of more than 25%, and new products such as the HEINZ REMIX™ are poised to sustain and propel growth even further.
Actionable Market Research
By capturing data on the flavor combinations created by customers in different locations, Kraft Heinz gains valuable insights into regional preferences and trends. Armed with this data-driven knowledge, the company can strategically plan and produce products on a mass scale, meeting consumer demand and optimizing their product portfolio.