Case Study
ABB Ability™: Empowering Insight
Setting the Stage
In the vast landscape of industrial automation, robotics, and manufacturing, ABB stands as a global titan with a rich 130-year legacy. Historically known for producing tangible products like motors, drives, and electric vehicle charging stations, ABB embarked on a transformative journey to embrace the digital age. With over 70 million connectable legacy assets deployed globally, the challenge was monumental. Enter Mesh Systems, introduced to ABB by Sam George, the CVP of Azure IoT at Microsoft, setting the stage for a groundbreaking collaboration.

A Unified Platform Across All Business Units
ABB’s vision was clear: to build an Industrial IoT platform that would seamlessly integrate with their vast array of new and legacy products. This platform, envisioned to be built atop Microsoft Azure, aimed to unlock innovative business avenues by pairing ABB’s renowned hardware prowess with cutting-edge cloud software.
The primary goal wasn’t merely to adapt to the digital transformation wave, but to spearhead it, presenting customers with innovative business models and solutions.
Digital Blueprint: The Birth of ABB Ability™

"Mesh Systems is a cornerstone ABB Ability™ Partner, having spent nearly three years helping to refine the architecture and building crucial components of the platform. We believe that no one is better positioned to help our business units unlock IoT value with ABB Ability™."